What do so many of this weekend's events have in common? Why, color, of course! From vivid art shows to wild dance parties complete with eye-poppin' video magic to (simply put) colorful characters a-plenty, this weekend is bold, bright and ready to sock one to ya in the best possible of ways. Bust out your most eye-searing ensemble and rock it; with all the fun that's on the agenda you might as well go all out. We're right behind you.

Jahna and Lauren update our Guide to Sales and Shopping
Lauren Gantner reviews the U of M Senior Fashion Show
Is/Is Tour Kick Off
@ Hexagon Bar
2600 27th Avenue S
10 p.m. / Free / 21+
The pretty popsters of Is/Is are going on tour, peeps! The girls will hit the west coast, then SXSW, then head back home for a loop around the midwest. Why not send 'em off with a riotous ole' party? Nothing could be better on a Thursday night than the rocking good sounds of Larry Wish & His Guys, Chambermaids, Leisure Birds, and guests of honor, Is/Is. Come partake, have some dranks and some Heggie's Pizza with a side of hot tunes. And, as always at the Hex, the cover charge is zilch.
Click HERE for the Facebook event

DJ Dick Pic
@ Club Jager
923 Washington Ave N
10 p.m. / 21+ / Free
Head to Jager tonight for a party jam throw down with the lovely ladies of DJ Dick Pic. Machen Davis and Maggie Morrison encourage you to flaunt your moves (not your junk, well, okay, maybe your junk) on the dance floor while you guzzle cheap drinks slung by none other than l'etoile's own Robyn Lewis (a.k.a. The Bitchelor). Bring a dick pic, get bonus points...and maybe an airhorn to the face.
Click HERE for the Clubhouse Jager Facebook

What's l'etoile looking at this week?
Maniacal and bright. Creepy and colorful. Whether it’s covering fake baby legs with acrylics or using watercolors to create strange creatures on paper, local artist and student Ben Burwell has done it all. Drawing inspiration from the likes of musicians such as Nina Simone and Marilyn Manson, Ben often uses morbidly intense paint colors (sometimes even skillfully edited with a pen and ink) to produce his own unique world full of eerie monsters and creeptacular critters. Not only is he mad-good at painting up artsy animals and crafting unusual mixed media pieces, but he works wonders with watercolor, creating precise people portraits as well.
Click HERE for the Ben Burwell tumblr

Try This
@ Slam Factory
1012 Marquette Ave S
8 p.m. / $5
Ok, so the original Jazz Age may have long since passed but tonight you're invited to watch as the Slam Factory turns into a lively jazz club complete with plenty of futuristic experimentation. Tune your ears in for a mind-bending evening with some of the Twin Cities virtuoso nu-jazz kings as Timefog’s James Patrick introduces the first installment in a new series that blends jazz, impro and experimental tunes: Try This. Featuring live sets from John Keston, Tim Glenn and Jon Davis of bass bangers, DGK; the laptop synthy grooves of Aphex Twin kindreds, Eskimo Spy; and live nylon string samplings by James Patrick and Neverwas. Sip down cheap drinks, munch on complimentary snacks, and partake in some hookah smoking for a sleek, smooth evening the prohibition-rule breakers would approve of.
Click HERE for the Facebook event

The Art of Gastro Non Grata
@ Pink Hobo Gallery
507 E Hennepin Ave
7 p.m. to 11 p.m. / Free
Chef-driven, alcohol-fueled music machine Gastro Non Grata is known best for its rowdy evenings of local samplings, live bands and unusual meat raffles. Really, can any other event boast cow heart giveaways? Over the years the food fete has proudly featured local music from bands such as Phantom Tails, Pink Mink, Unknown Prophets and more; delicious gourmet treats from Corner Table’s Scott Pampuch, Modern Café’s Jim Grell, Cake Eater Bakery, and Sea Change’s Erik Anderson, among others; and has doled out loads upon loads of local brew samples. Tonight, join the tasty social scene-makers and promoters of intelligent eating as they present a spring exhibition celebrating the best design of GNG’s promotional past with photography, illustration and hand screen-printed posters. Featuring artwork by musician/photographer/GNG documenter Greg Schaal and “odds and ends” screen prints by geek artist, King Mini. And since no Gastro event would be complete without a little nosh, Fork In the Road Catering will be pulling up their food truck and offering salmon sliders, BBQ Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese sammies and more for under $10 each. Spend some dough, pick up some art and satisfy your stomach all while helping to fund future amazing GNG events!
Click HERE for this art event and more at mplsart.com

Nightinghales CD Release Show
@ Kitty Cat Klub
315 14th Ave SE
9 p.m. / $5 / 21+
The Nightinghales are like British pop mixed with American rust-edged rock 'n' roll; somehow they manage to sound salty and sweet at the same time. And if you don't listen to the electric guitar riffs in the middle of their single "Darkness is Spreading" and immediately want to play air guitar, then there is something wrong with you. Join them and a few very special guests at the KCK this Friday night for their highly anticipated CD release show. Openers are Magic Castles, followed by Nightinghales, and then--added bonus--Pink Mink! Delish, we tell you.
Click HERE for the Facebook event
Off The Record presents: Food Pyramid, Fire In The Northern Firs, and 2012
@ Hell's Kitchen
80 9th St S
10 p.m. / $5
When you’re as talented as the musicians of our local scene, it’s hard not to bounce from one stellar project to the next. Fortunately for us, Radio K’s Off The Record is there to keep track of them all – and put on some sweet shows to boot. This Friday, head to Hell’s Kitchen for performances from Fire in the Northern Firs, featuring members of First Communion Afterparty, Sun in the Satellite, and Goodday Montag; Grant Cutler’s 2012, the new ambient project from the man behind Lookbook and Grant Cutler and the Gorgeous Lords; and the mind-jumbling instrumentalist trio Food Pyramid. No, Janet Reno won’t be there (see event flyer), but it’s bound to be a crazy good time nonetheless.
Click HERE for the Facebook event

Bee Cool: Cruisin' for a Boozin'
@ Honey
205 E Hennepin Ave
10:30 p.m. / 21+ / Free
Buzz on over to Honey tonight for a sweet little dance party with some of our faves! You'll get sticky with beats a la DJ Bach and lady DJs Monsterbrüsten, and when its time to cool down, you'll sip cheap alcoholic nectar including $3.50 PBR Tall Boys and $4 Jamesons. This time around, the Bee Cool crew has brought in special guest BadNraD to seal the deal with synthtastic guitar-fueled anthems a-plenty. Hopefully you're in synch with the l'etoile hive-mind, because we'll definitely be making a stop at Honey this Friday! Co-sponsored by us, of course.
Click HERE for the Facebook event
City of Music: BadNraD from MPLS.TV on Vimeo.
@Nick & Eddie
1612 Harmon Place
10 p.m. / 18+ / $10 or $5 with RSVP
Bomp is back again and this time they are all about the twos! Friday, join the Bomp crew to celebrate their big two year anniversary, complete with loads of DJs in two different rooms at Loring hot spot Nick & Eddie. Join the The Moon Goons dudes for a night of scrumptious tuneage with the help of our local lady fave Shannon Blowtorch, dance-party master Wezz Wnshp and Get Cryphy’s Plain Ole Bill. Not only will there be awesome music, but Nick and Eddie will be dishin’ up all the drinks you can handle--just be sure to get there before it fills up or be banished to the 18+ warehouse space.
Click HERE for the Facebook event

What's l'etoile checkin' out on the web this week?
Our favorite annual music-meets-fashion blowout may be fifty days away, but we’re already beyond excited. Especially because the gorgeous new 2011 website, designed by Sevnthsin with additional art direction by l'etoile bestie Chris Larson, was launched this week. Noir-esque imagery, vintage fonts and color schemes dominate the layout, a fearless vision made even cooler by the work of photo goddess Stephanie Colgan, whose portraits pop by clicking on any one of the talented musicians, designers, stylists, and crew members. You can also listen to music by some of the featured artists, as well as purchase tickets, neither of which you should think twice about doing. Did we mention you can get your tickets already? Do it. If the site is any indication, this year's show will be extra-spectacular.
Click HERE for the Voltage site

Resist Pop Fantasy II: New Work by Eric Carlson and Masters of the Universe
@ Soo Visual Arts Center
2638 Lyndale Ave S
6 p.m. / Free
With a name that sci-fantastic, you know the SooVAC’s latest exhibits (yep, Saturday’s reception is double the fun) are bound to be more than worthy of a total art-geek-out. Resist Pop Fantasy II will showcase the “archival vandalism” of the brilliant Eric Carlson, who collects, reassembles, and overrides what used to be, in favor of a larger, more malleable narrative. In a similar vein, Masters of the Universe, the collaborative effort of MCAD grad students Jessica Henderson, Mark O’Brien, and Casey Opstad, uses a variety of digitally manipulated images to investigate how the digital era effects social interactions and connections to our physical environment. Be there – and be square.
Click HERE for this art event and more at mplsart.com

Zoo Animal
@ 331 Club
331 13th Ave NE
7 p.m. / Free
Saturday’s Zoo Animal show at the 331 Club may be a little earlier than usual, but don’t let that deter you: it’s free, and it’ll be finished just in time to get your ears to stop ringing before bar rush. Holly Newsom’s haunting, fervent vocals lead the trio, whose minimalistic, artfully uneven sound has made them one of the most touted bands on the local scene – not to mention the band’s knack for putting on an absolutely captivating live set. Stick around after the show to catch some more local music darlings, Gospel Gossip, Dirty Dancing, and Fire in the Northern Firs (see write up below!).
Click HERE for the 331 Club site
ZOO ANIMAL - "Sailor" (remix) from Northern Outpost on Vimeo.
Gospel Gossip
@ 331 Club
331 13th Ave NE
10 p.m. / 21+ / Free
Props to the 331 for once again hosting an excellent Saturday night line up of epic proportions. After the early Zoo Animal show, stick around for Gospel Gossip - a band that continually impresses us with its sophisticated live shows full of thrashing energy and roaming instrumental bits that build and crash and wash over you like that giant wave of mutilation the Pixies sang about. Opening up are newbs to keep a serious eye on: Dirty Dancing and Fire in the Northern Firs, which feature members of FCAP and Sun in the Satellite.
Click HERE for the 331 Club site
All Tomorrow’s Petty
@ Red Stag Supperclub
509 1st Ave NE
10:30 p.m. / Free
A Tom Petty cover-band project is certainly a noble idea. But a Tom Petty cover-band project by some of the Twin Cities’ most ubiquitous musicians? Simply genius. Meet All Tomorrow’s Petty, the evolving collaboration between singer-instrumentalist James Diers (of Minneapolis-based rock bands Halloween, Alaska and Love-cars), guitarist Jacob Hanson (a fellow Halloween, Alaskan and member of Mpls Dub Ensemble), and drummer JT Bates (of Alpha Consumer and The Pines). The trio of heartbreakers are performing Saturday at the Red Stag, and by golly, you want to be there. Stick around after the show for a DJ set by Diers, whose remix artist moniker VIC 20 is a tribute to his ancient childhood Commodore computer. Awesome.
Click HERE for the Red Stag site

@ 1419
1419 Washington Ave S
8 p.m. to 4 a.m. / $5
l'etoile pal & prolific local artist Dillon Bakke never ceases to amaze us with his knack for producing seamless, vanguard visual art, analog animation, brilliant stop motion, and generally pushing the boundaries of video experimentation. Tonight, come celebrate the awesome dude’s official uberly epic birthday bash at the 1419 featuring three floors of DJs, live bands and – of course – art! Featuring an all-star line-up of DJs, Live P.A. and VJs Genome; sexy moonstone techno from Detroit boiz, Seth & Sean; Moongoons’ Jonathan Ackerman; and Satan’s right hand deck suave, DJ Bach 666. Plus, raw live art from VJs Jim Weiss and Bakke, remixing live footage of you and your friends onto the space's walls all night long. Head to floor 2 for eardrum breakin’ live sets by bands Ex Nihilo, Grainbelt, Bouncer Fighter, Food Pyramid, Dojo Rodeo and Fische. Then, take a cosmic ride to a visual galaxy on floor 3 for art from photo artist Brian Hart, Bloodtime’s collage artist Justin James Sehorn and a collaborative installation from Ben Severns & Nicholas Knutson. Don’t forget to bring Bakke a killer b-day gift and prepare for a cameo by a special surprise guest!
Click HERE for the Facebook event
Peep Bakke’s illustration skillz in this Cloud Cult vid by Bakke and Dan Huiting. So cool!:
@ Kitty Cat Klub
315 14th Ave SE
10 p.m. / 21+ / $3 w/ FB RSVP, $5 w/out
Like true gentlemen, the Menergy boys always know when to step aside and let the ladies rule the roost. Tonight, feisty femme action is on the menu as testosterone mixes with a little flamin’ estrogen for another round of the XX meets XY jams. Move your stuff to the DJ skillz of Nancy Cheng, Michelle Muse and Loveless Aphrodite, plus the mash up your mug in a visual acid trip in the popular Playatta Video Portal, wo-maned by Playatta Femme Squad members Kara Lovemelt and Carolyn Kopecky. And the evening gets even sexier as guest Le Femme premieres a shadow dance, juxtaposed with live body painting by Silvia Yordanova. Low on cash? Head down to the Kitty Cat early to get your drink on and enjoy rad happy hour specials on select beers and house wines. The Kitty Cat’s got a meeting in the ladies room, uh huh!
Click HERE for the Facebook event

What's l'etoile listening to this week?
Dinosaur Jr. axe-wielding croaker and guitar god, J Mascis, tones things a few notches down this March with the release of the acoustic, folk-brandishing, Several Shades of Why – his first proper solo jaunt since ‘96. Hot on the heels of two very loud Dinosaur Jr. reunion albums and set to release on the Sub Pop label, the record features guest collaborations with indie musicians including Kurt Vile – who Mascis is on tour with this year – Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene), Ben Bridwell (Band of Horses), Sophie Trudeau (A Silver Mt. Zion), Pall Jenkins (Black Heart Procession) and more. Quite the antithesis of Dinosaur Jr.’s high gain, distorted melodic rock, Several Shades of Why dabbles in an unplugged, anti-noise sound with actually discernible lyrics and even tracks without drums!
Click HERE for the J. Mascis site
BONUS: You don’t wanna miss this strange & awkward video interview hilariously conducted by the General Manager of Sub Pop Records’ mother, Maureen, and the big J man himself:
Oscar Night
@ Hotel Ivy
201 S. 11th St
5 p.m / $50 general admission, $150 VIP
Facebook or crazy Ozark Mountain-family politics? Who got dressed in the dark? Will Natalie Portman sweep, or will Annette Benning finally have her day? Yep, the Oscars are upon us, and what better way to celebrate than by cheering and jeering alongside fellow award season junkies, cocktails and hour d’oeuvres in hand, at the lush Hotel Ivy? At the Aegis Foundation's Academy-sanctioned Oscar Night Party, you’ll not only receive red carpet treatment and be able to watch on the largest screens in town, but all proceeds go to benefit The Smile Network, which funds surgical missions to repair birth defects, and The Link, which supports youth and families through life skills building, education, advocacy, and supportive housing. Dust off your red carpet finery and we'll see you there!
Click HERE for the Aegis Foundation site

Editor in Chief: Kate Iverson // Contributors: Juleana Enright, Tara Sloane, Natalie Gallagher, Kate Iverson, Robyn Lewis, Jahna Peloquin, Lauren Gantner
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