Flying underground since its conception in May, the free collaborative arts and culture magazine, And/Or, is a printed version of a topics forum with submissions from local writers, poets, illustrators, photographers and mixed media talents galore. For each issue, And/Or chooses a topic and then it's up to you to provide the dialogue. The 500 issues printed every two months are paid for through rockin' benefit concerts featuring musicians in a harmonious union of talented locals supporting their fellow artists. We recently had a chat with And/Or founder Jeni Kozicky about the cool new mini-mag...
Who are the members behind And/Or Magazine and how did you meet?
Since And/Or started off as a personal project for me I've sort of been the one holding all the pieces together since the beginning, but not without the help of a lot of good friends who share my passion and motivation to keep the magazine alive. I host binding parties for each issue where I'll buy some cheap, boxed wine and we'll all hang out and bind magazines. It's really been a lot of fun to be a part of.
What do you think about the jump from print to blogs? Do you think journals and magazines in printed form will ever become obsolete?
No, I don't think that print will ever become completely obsolete. Yeah sure, blogs are much easier and less expensive, but when we make that jump from print to digital there is something lost in the process. A blog can never replace the real, tangible quality that a printed piece holds. I feel like we spend enough time staring a screen in our day to day lives, it's nice to see something that's more than just pixels.
So, And/Or Magazine was your MCAD senior thesis project, what was the inspiration behind the project and why do you think it has gained popularity?
When I first started thinking of ideas for this project I knew right away that I wanted to make something that could be for the community rather than just for myself, and I wanted to make something that could live beyond the walls of MCAD. I pulled inspiration from a lot of different places, but mostly I just wanted to create something out of nothing and see if I could make it grow. A lot of people I've talked to are excited to see something like this as an element of their community.
You guys often refer to sustainability regarding And/Or, what is your definition of a “sustainable magazine” and what makes this concept so important in creation and distribution?
And/Or is self-sustainable in the sense that it is completely community supported. The content is made up of submissions from local artists and writers, and then the printing costs are paid for by benefit shows featuring local musicians. This is what sets it apart from so many other printed publications that require advertising in order to sustain themselves. The independent production and distribution of this magazine is just as important as the content itself. The fact that enough people in this community care about keeping this magazine alive so that it can survive without outside financial support is so beautiful to me. I hope we can keep it going.
What other culture blogs/magazines do you guys follow and do you see those other journals as a motivation or competition?
I have to admit I'm a little behind in the blog world, but my rounds when I do make them usually consist of Wooster Collective, 12oz Prophet and Post Secret. And I can't say I really follow any publications too closely either but Adbusters makes for a good read when I can get my hands on it. In general I don't look at other publications as being competition, I just love to see that people are out there making things happen.
So the 500 bi-monthly print copies of And/Or are entirely paid for by benefit shows featuring local musicians. Do you find the Twin Cities to be a supportive community for local arts and new ventures in creativity?
I've found the Twin Cities community to be extremely supportive of creative ventures. It seems like every other person I meet is an artist, musician, or creative of some sort. It's really beautiful to see people come together to support a common cause.
Speaking of local musicians, who are a few of your favorites?
Oh, now that's a tough one. Since I'm a musician myself and so many of my friends are musicians it would be easy for me to just give shout outs to all my friends right here, but that's not really fair. I'd have to say that a few local musicians who have caught my ear lately would probably be Dosh, The Histronic and Heatbox.
What are some topics you've featured in past issues and how do you choose a theme?
The theme for the first issue was "The Digital Era Issue" and the second issue was "Income and/or Outcome: The Money Issue". Issue #3, which was released this past Friday, is called "Lost and/or Found: The Identity Issue". I try to choose topics that are somewhat broad, and that are easy for people to relate to. Topics that everyone has something to say about.
Roughly how many submissions do you get per topic and what is the criteria you go by for choosing which ones get published?
The number of submissions I get for each topic has been growing consistently with each issue. For Issue #3 I received submissions from 35 people. Once we get all the submission in I usually get together with a few other people and we jury the submissions based on their quality and their relevance to the concept. How does one submit to your zine?
If you're interested in submitting to And/Or you can check out our website at to find out the concept for the next issue and to get all the information you'll need to make a submission.
Thanks to all you lovely Twin Citizens who came out last week for our Project Runway Premiere event(s) in Downtown Saint Paul! We think the evening went smashingly, and it was such a pleasure to see all of your pretty faces out in support of our hometown boys Ra'mon-Lawrence and Christopher Straub. While we're still sort of recovering from putting on the event (we haven't quite caught up on our beauty rest), we hope this weekend brings even more excitement to your lives. Summer is waning so get out and celebrate (and don't forget to eat something on a stick at the State Fair)!
Bonus: Click HERE to read our recap of the PR Premiere Party, with pix!
Photo by Kate Iverson for l'étoile agency/Opitz Outlet
Project Runway Weekly Screenings
@ Hell's Kitchen 80 S. 9th Street Downtown Minneapolis
8-9pm Fashion Trivia with l'étoile 9-10pm Project Runway 10-11pm Models of the Runway
Come cheer on our hometown boys Ra'mon and Christopher every Thursday at Hell's Kitchen! Put on something snazzy and join us for weekly screenings of Project Runway, sponsored by l'étoile and Metro Mag! Show up early from 6-8pm for live music, drink specials and the full dinner menu, then play fashion trivia with Kate and Beth from l'étoile, who will be giving away sweet prizes including a $50 bar tab every week. From 9-11pm settle in and watch back to back eps of Project Runway and spin off show, Models of the Runway, live on Hell's big screen. Enjoy drink specials, fashionable revelry, and damn good food at Hell's Kitchen every Thursday with us! Parking: $5 parking in adjacent lot, or metered street parking.
Bonus: Christopher and/or Ra'mon will be joining us from time to time!
Bonus 2: Tonight after Hell's head down to Clubhouse Jager to say bon voyage to Kelsy and Di from Eclecticoiffeur who are setting sail to the wild waters of NYC this month! We'll miss you gals!
@ Ignite Studios 600 Washington Ave N Suite 101 Minneapolis
7pm-10pm / free
Any fashion-related event styled by our very own Jahna Peloquin promises to be stylistically sound and sassy! Tonight Ignite Models Inc. throws their second monthly fashion bash at their new warehouse district space. Enjoy a fashion show featuring pieces from local boutiques Karma, OPM boutique, and ROBOTlove, as well as work by new featured artists Marcus Lo (of San Francisco) and Minneapolis’ own Jacob Gossell. Train your eyes upon graffiti artist Charlie Mossey as he creates live art while you sip cocktails, nibble treats and rub elbows with the pretty population!
2012 Threads Release Party
@ Triple Rock 629 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis
9pm / 18+ / $8
Come out and party like it's 2012 with the likes of Sovietpanda, Modernsextrash, Mod Sun, and DJ That, celebrating the official release of a brand new t-shirt line created by musician and artist John Waltmann of 4 Letter Lie. The entire first line of these limited edition apocalyptic, doomsday-scenario themed threads will be available for purchase at the show, including the limited edition screen-print posters of the flier artwork created by DJ That.
Local artist Roxanne Jackson cares less about what came first – the chicken or the egg – and more about what link we have to the chicken and/or the egg. For her solo exhibition in the MIA's Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP) gallery, Jackson uses intricate ceramic sculptures, vivid wall installations and thought-provoking video to explore the nuances between animals and humans. Researching everything from Native American folklore and religious superstitions to the concepts of animal instincts and even the monster movie genre, Jackson's artwork journeys through human/animal hybridity, aberrations of nature, power animals and good luck charms and why we as a culture are fascinated and drawn to creatures of the land.
Be warned: Italian-based artist, Wanmhope, can and will melt your face off. But don't worry, it's all in the name of art. In his imaginative and fantasy-ridden artwork, Wanmhope – whose name means “a thing of beauty” in Neapolitan dialect – uses inner sensations to replace visual aesthetics. Inspired by the street scene of music and fashion, Wanmhope's prints, photos and paintings merge an elegant image, namely distorted model-esque beauties, with edgy compositions designed to critique the contemporary world of pop culture and the way we see beauty. Whether through complex vivid hues or simplistic black and white lines, each deformed figure is as shockingly digestible as the next.
B-Girl Be Exhibit: Mama Said Knock U Out!
@ Intermedia Arts 2822 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis
12-6 pm, opening reception 6-9 pm/ free
From rapper Missy Elliott to London MC Lady Sovereign, the ladies have always held their own in the hip-hop world, whether or not they received the props they deserved. But during the latest gallery exhibition Mama Said Knock U Out! from Intermedia Arts and B-Girl Be, women artists will be celebrated and revered for years of barrier-breaking in the hip-hop culture. As part of this female-charged annual exhibit, Intermedia's wall will be saturated with art from 28 female artists from around the world “who use their visual voice to empower inform and organize, employing hip-hop as a means of expression, connection, education and social and political activism.” Witness video, photography, painting, sculpture, film and textiles media from local and national artists including artwork by MPLS word master Desdamona and a world premiere installation from nationally known photographer (and contributor for liberal news journal, the Huffington Post) Lauri Lyons. Tonight's opening reception features food courtesy Bryant Lake Bowl and jams from DJ Drea. Get down and bust a move for the ladies of hip-hop!
Alphabet Soup
@ West Bank Social Center (Above the Nomad Pub) 509 Cedar Avenue West Bank Minneapolis
The cool kids at the West Bank Social center invite you to party down with them tonight at their monthly "Rent" party. Keep this awesome art-centric space going and have fun doing it, with tunes from Nightstalker and Lacoste, live video art by the Gap Kidz, Grilled cheese sandwiches and more. While you're there, have the WBSC secretaries transcribe a letter for ya at the new Transcription Desk! RSVPs are an extreme MUST so click HERE to do so and secure your spot at this super kewl party.
Solid Gold
@ Varsity Theater 1308 4th St SE Minneapolis
8pm / 18+ / $10
This Friday, Solid Gold will once again be taking Minneapolis by storm with their stylized smart-ass attitude combined with epic urban grooves that dare you not to dance. Tonight they will be sharing the stage with Mystery Palace & Moonstone, both of who promise to make you a believer in our amazing local music scene.
And/Or Magazine Release Show
@ The Nomad 501 Cedar Ave West Bank
9 pm/ 21+/ $5
It's easy to miss copies of local DIY magazine And/Or – the issues are so tiny! – but with one glance at your first issue, we guarantee you'll start seeing the zine at venues around the cities more often. Flying underground since its conception in May, the free collaborative arts and culture magazine is a printed version of a topics forum with submissions from local writers, poets, illustrators, photographers and mixed media talents galore. For each issue, And/Or chooses a topic and then it's up to you to provide the dialogue. The 500 issues printed every two months are paid for through rockin' benefit concerts featuring musicians in a harmonious union of talented locals supporting their fellow artists. Tonight's benefit show takes place at the Nomad and includes acts PB & the Jam (members of New Rebelution and More than Lights), Franz Diego, New MC, Dalia and Moxy. Stop down, grab your tiny, crisply illustrated copy and enjoy the tunes.
Bomp 7
@ Bedlam Theatre 1501 S. 6th St. Minneapolis
10pm / $5 / 18+
The last Friday of every month, something magical happens at the Bedlam...wild dancing to many different kinds of music on a big dancefloor with many different kinds of people! DJ Jonathan Ackerman starts spinning in the fireplace lounge, followed by The Original Truth Squad featuring Saund Waav, I am Break He is The Beat, and Rob Rob, and finally, Shannon Blowtorch! In the mainroom DJ Fundo & WzzWnshp kick off the night. At midnight the Moon Goons hit the turntables, and at 1am, The Return of Plain Ole Bill and Jimmy 2 Times on four turntables! On the rooftop patio, Buck K.A.C and friends keep the party going! Wowee! Sponsored by l'étoile magazine!
COOL LINK: My Love for You is a Stampede of Horses
Like a daily subscription to an art newspaper, this art blog is packed with new artists, exhibit photos and the contemporary art scoop. Curated by Meighan O'Toole who works diligently “cataloging low brow and contemporary art," this site is filled with Q&As, studio visit pix, videos and new artists you can obsess over. Addictive!
Dog Days Art Bazaar
@ Susan Hensel Gallery 3441 Cedar Ave S. Minneapolis
12pm-5pm / Free
Well, it was supposed to be the dog days of summer, but the only thing scorching hot is this art bazaar! Not only is art for sale, but so are art supplies, equipment, literature, textiles, all under $40. Steals, deals, scores and gems are all waiting to be snatched up by you. Rummaging through art ephemera in a garden seems like the perfect summer afternoon to us.
Everyone in the world has their own personal "golden era." In artist Tucker Gerrick’s words, “it is a universal feeling - one of invincibility, of endless enthusiasm, of camaraderie and companionship. It’s a lust for life, it's the shared chemistry of friends, families, lovers and complete strangers.” Saturday eve, Mr. Gerrick (aka Typoscura) will be setting forth to undertake his very first solo show at Umber Studios, a nostalgic photographic collection to reference his own personal golden era, entitled Best Summer Ever: Proof of Youth. Stop by to peer into a segment of the lives of a group of friends sentimentally documented by Tucker and reminisce your own golden era of youth.
Join Art of This Gallery's One-Nighter Series for an illuminating evening of installation and presentation from local artist Julia Kouneski. Based on her recent travels to Rio de Janeiro, Kouneski presents a powerful tribute exhibit to avant-garde Brazilian artists and art visionaries, Lygia Clark and Helio Oiticica. Contributors to the Tropicalia and Neoconcreto movements, Clack and Oiticica critiqued they way viewers looked at art, reframing art as not just a static piece of work, but a fluid and sensorial experience where the viewer manipulates the work's artistic meaning. Tonight's unique interaction features images, video, text interviews and an experimental lecture which the audience will view projected onto the gallery's ceiling.
Ryan Quirt: 1982-Forever
@ XyandZ 3258 Minnehaha Ave. S. Minneapolis
7 pm-2 am / free
Those that knew the work of local artist Ryan Quirt – who recently and tragically passed away – knew it to be an art based on intensity and talent that was well beyond his 24 years. Tonight, his unique graffiti-style illustrations will be on display to the public for the first time at XYandZ in a memorial exhibit titled, 1982 to Forever. Join his family, friends and fans for a unique eulogy to the life of this passionate artist.
Chambermaids EP Release
@ Turf Club 1601 University Ave St Paul
10pm / 21+ / $6
Modern Radio Record Label is home to a whole heaping load of forward-thinking rock music, and that trend continues with the Chambermaids vinyl-only release of their new EP Down in the Berries. At their best, the Chambermaids twist the TC’s two most illustrious musical lineages — Husker Du and the Replacements — into an elegant braid of post punk influence. Be sure to check out what all the hubbub's about when the band headlines an outstanding line up at the Turf joined by France Has The Bomb, Daughters Of The Sun and Haunted House.
CLICK THE IMAGE FOR THE CHAMBERMAIDS SITE Album art by Wes Winship for Burlesque of North America
Attitude City
@ Clubhouse Jager 913 Washington Ave Minneapolis
10pm / 21+ / Free
The Attitude City boys are back at Jager once again for their monthly mix of badditude to blow up the dance floor with a carefully curated cache of beats, creating the perfect setting to get buck wild. Hands down one of our favorite parties of the month!
Gavin Russom
@ Gallery 13 811 Lasalle Avenue Minneapolis
10pm-Late / $10
Another late night dance party at Gallery 13! Take in some cool art while you break it down with Dj Gavin Russom from DFA records! In short, Russom built instruments for the likes of James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem), Tim Goldsworthy (UNKLE, The Loving Hand) and Bjorn Copeland (Black Dice), so odds are these beats will be one of a kind. Also featuring locals Naughty Wood and Heckadecimal, set to the backdrop of wild visuals a la video artist Nico. This one's sure to go all night, so tell them not to wait up!
WIN A PAIR OF TICKETS TO THIS PARTY! E-mail to be entered to win a pair of tix. Winners will be drawn Friday and put on the list at the door with a +1.
B Girl Be Hair Raising Event
@ MoXie Hair Salon 2649 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis
10am-6pm / $30 haircuts
Get a haircut you hippie! If you’re being turned away from all the hot spots because you’re a longhair, reap the benefits of a MoXie hairstylist shearing your locks for B-Girl Be : A Celebration of Women in Hip-Hop. $30 gets you a haircut, and all proceeds go to Intermedia Arts, so it’s pretty much like you’re an art patron, but you’ll also look really good afterwards. Cash and check only, and you probably should make an appointment, but if the mood strikes you, walk-ins are welcome.
@ Clubhouse Jager 923 Washington Avenue N. Minneapolis
Every Tuesday 10 p.m. / 21+ / Free
Join hosts Kate Iverson (l'étoile magazine, Secrets of the City) and Beth Hammarlund (l'étoile magazine, A Tiny Machine) every Tuesday Night for JagerCon! JagerCon is a weekly sci-fi party featuring screenings of classic nerdy movies and television shows -- topped off with 2-4-1 cocktails all night served by Star Captain Paul!
Mingle with like-minded sci-fi geeks, discuss D&D strategies, and use that Captain Picard impression you've been perfecting to pick up chicks at the bar. Snort-laugh the night away while bragging about your MMORPG addiction and enjoy a cozy, nerd-friendly environment.
Upcoming Events:
Sept 1: THX 1138 Sept 8: The Man Who Fell To Earth Sept 15: Barbarella
Beth Hammarlund calls out a copy cat, and declares her appreciation for all things Marchesa Luisa Casati related.
inappropriate imitation
It's inevitable that trends and ideas will be repeated in fashion and beauty. It's an industry that thrives on recycling and reinvention. How many times has a designer sent a look down the runway that references Marie Antoinette or Rosie the Riveter? So it's not surprising (and certainly not offensive) that two beauty companies would find inspiration from the Marchesa Luisa Casati. She's one of the most famous figures in fashion history. John Galliano based an entire Christian Dior colleciton on her. Karl Lagerfeld credited her as muse for his 2010 resort collection. And red carpet favorite Marchesa is named in honor of the lovely Casati. She is also rumored to be the inspiration of so many characters in films and novels that I can't even let myself get distracted by trying to list them all.
Click below to read the rest of the article...
Jahna Peloquin links to numerous recaps and reviews of both our premiere party and the premiere episode of Project Runway. She also talks about shoes and the recently released MN Fashion Week schedule in this week's fashion roundup!
Click below to read the article...
Save the Date: Charmed Life
An official event of MNFashion Week Wednesday, September 23rd 6-9 p.m.
Join us for a festive evening of fashion, interior design, and shopping at the beautiful International Market Square . This event features local, independent clothing and jewelry designers, as well boutiques selling their wares in a fashion marketplace. Set amongst the gorgeous furniture and home decor of IMS showrooms, you'll mingle with the Twin Cities' fashion crowd. Enjoy cocktails, appetizers, swag bags, a live fashion photo shoot, a fashion styling challenge, tunes from DJs Millions Billions and Tendercakes, and more. Curate your life – be charmed!
Wow. We're (almost) speechless. Thursday in downtown Saint Paul was an unbelievable night for the Twin Cities fashion community as they celebrated the series premiere of Project Runway Season 6.
Two of the show's local contestants, Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman and Christopher Straub, partied all night alongside their families, friends and the movers and shakers of the Twin Cities' fashion and media world in the Saint Paul Hotel's grand ballroom, where a private screening was held. Hors d'oeurves were passed, cocktails were sipped and photos were snapped while the stylish crowd mingled before the screening.
Event producers Kate Iverson of l'étoile and director Emma Berg welcomed the 300+ guests and introduced Mayor Chris Coleman, who commented "I can safely say this is the best-looking crowd I've ever seen in St. Paul" and talked about the ever-evolving fashion scene in the Twin Cities. Ra'mon-Lawrence gave the audience a sneak peek of his new line, which will be shown at New York Fashion week this September; a breezy, fresh representation of Coleman's signature style. When the screening began, the crowd screamed and cheered for their hometown heroes; a true testament to the supportive nature of the Twin Cities fashion scene.
Meanwhile, across the street, another 300+ local Project Runway fans packed the gorgeous atrium of the historic Landmark Center for a public screening of the show and were treated to a special appearance by Straub and Coleman, who paraded Coleman's models across the stage and invited the audience to the post-screening party at the hotel.
In a wonderfully surprising turn of events, our two locals ended up being the top two in the premiere episode's design challenge! The crowd went wild as Straub was declared the winner, and the two hugged it out as the audience cheered. An exciting and touching moment in Twin Cities fashion history!
The evening continued at the Saint Paul Hotel as the public and private events merged together for a fabulous post-party in the lobby which included cocktails, mingling, and a trunk show by Christopher Straub, who happily signed his own designer t-shirts, handbags and accessories. Fans lavished praise on both designers who chatted up the hundreds of revelers.
Next up was the after-after party at Camp Bar, where the Twin Cities' most stylish danced up a storm and got up close and personal with Straub and Coleman into the wee hours.
All in all, a fabulous and inspiring night!
l'étoile magazine would like to thank everyone who made this event possible (the list could go on and on...and it sort of does!)
- Ra'mon and Christopher, for invigorating the Twin Cities with their talent and graciousness. Your presence at the event was a wonderful thing! We can't wait to see what happens next for both of you.
- Event producers Kate Iverson (editor in chief of l'étoile), Emma Berg (director of, and Jahna Peloquin (fashion editor of l'étoile), whose hundreds of hours planning and developing this event were well worth it!
- Beth Hammarlund, whose vision took l'étoile from a small fashion magazine, to a big one, and finally to an online magazine and dynamic brand that obsessively supports, encourages, and helps develop art and fashion culture in Twin Cities.
- Sarah Fossen of Capital City Partnership, whose support and excitement for the event made it possible for us to connect with many of our wonderful sponsors. Without her, this event would not have happened! Fossen is our hero! Also to A.J. Keifer from CCP whose ideas and humor were ever-so helpful.
- Sheryl, Barbara, Pat, David and the entire staff of the St. Paul Hotel, who worked tireless to put this event on and so generously donated their space and their relentless energy to making it happen with class and style.
- Erin Dady and Joe Spencer from the Mayor's office, who helped us every step of the way with enthusiasm and encouragement.
- The staff of Landmark Center who patiently made our public event sparkle, despite the last minute change of plans due to the rain.
- The crew at Comcast who spent hours figuring out how to run a live cable feed inside the Landmark Center and the St. Paul Hotel's Ballroom, and for generously donating their time and resources to do so.
- Megan and Doug from Lifetime, who gave us the go ahead to do the event and were incredibly supportive!
- Chuck and Matt of Solo Vino and Lindsey of Prairie Vodka who generously donated product to keep everyone happily liquored up throughout the evening.
- Allison from Ignite, and all the lovely models who walked the walk to show off Ra'mon's new line.
- Eric from The Lab, who generously printed our logo board that so many of you had your beautiful mugs snapped in front of.
- Kristin from Rake whose support of l'étoile is constant, and who excitedly donated advertising to our event.
- Tim and the crew from EMI rentals who spent a big chunk of their day hooking up our sound and lighting, and who worked patiently with us for weeks to make sure we had exactly what we needed.
- Christopher Larson, who diligently worked with us on our event branding and graphic design over the last month to create a polished, modern look for our invites, programs, and advertising. A true professional if we've ever met one!
- Cole Griswold, whose help and dedication to the event from the choreography of the fashion piece to his general expertise, made the event pop off with style and grace.
- Stephen Stephens from Digital Crush Photography who created our pre-show projection reel, and who shot the event from top to bottom for us -- something he does on a regular basis, donating his time and creativity to document the local fashion and art scene like a pro.
- the fabulous Brian Gioelli who was our wingman, keeping our nerves in check and doing just about anything we asked (or, in many cases, didn't have to ask for). He made the day-of prep incredibly less stressful, and for that we especially love him!
- Clement Shimizu for being our tech wizard, setting up the projections and sound to run cohesively during the show. For years, Clement has made more l'étoile events sparkle than anyone with his creativity, innovation and know-how.
- Tim Ritter for generously donating his time and technical talent to run the projection/sound system at Landmark Center despite minimal direction and chaotic last minute venue change circumstances.
- Jonathan Ackerman who brought the jams all night, creating the perfectly hip ambiance for the event.
- Carissa and Josh at Red Bull, who generously swooped in at the last minute to supply our public event with some caffeinated goodness.
- Robyne Robinson for her neverending support of l'étoile and the fashion and art scene in general, and for the use of her beautiful Rox Jewelry line that was so stylishly paired with Ra'mon's new line during the fashion piece. News flash: She'll be showing again with Ra'mon at NY Fashion Week this September!
- St. Paul Mayor, Chris Coleman, for his continuing support of the arts and for taking the time to speak at our event!
- Sabastian and the crew at Camp Bar for providing us with a killer after-after party venue!
Cynthia and Katy Gerdes (of PR Season 3) for being so supportive and offering up their restaurant, Hells Kitchen, for weekly screenings of the show!
- Jahna, Kelsy, Catlin, Erin, Xavi, Minjo, and Romeny, who spent all day styling 14 models for the fashion show -- no small feat!
- Teri, Juleana, and Danielle who worked the check in table all night like pros and are constantly supportive of what we do, routinely helping out at l'étoile functions and being all around cool chicks.
- Sarah, Alison & Katie who helped with whatever we needed and did a stellar job of model wrangling.
- Alaina and Carlos for prepping programs, helping with the crowd and just being so damn pretty!
- Allan and Ray for doing all the manly things, like moving furniture, setting up equipment and more.
- Our staff writers Juleana, Robyn, and Lacey who threw off their schedules to help rush along this past week's edition of l'étoile despite vacations, complicated job schedules and other such things. You guys rock!
- Anna Lee and the crew at whose tireless work, encouragement and dedication inspires the local fashion scene to fly to new heights.
- all l'étoile contributors and collaborators past and present, our readers, friends, families, and supporters -- you've made l'étoile what it is today and for that, we are immensely, utterly grateful!
For extra footage from the first episode, including extended reviews of both Ra'mon and Christopher's work by the judges, visit fashion editor Jahna Peloquin's personal blog, Le Petit Connaisseur de la Mode.
Check out the official photos (all 200+ of them) from the l'etoile magazine Project Runway Premiere Parties at the Saint Paul Hotel and Landmark Center! All photos by Stephen Stephens of Digital Crush Photography!
In anticipation of the l’étoile-sponsored book release party at Magers & Quinn for The Sartorialist, named for the street fashion photography website, l'étoile fashion editor Jahna Peloquin chatted up Sartorialist creator and photographer Scott Schuman on releasing his first book, his inspiration as a photographer, shooting at Fashion Week, and his favorite Twin Cities shops.
How did the idea to release a book come about?
I’ve been approached by several different publishers but there was nothing that seemed right. Then when I met with Penguin, and they were willing to do a paperback and a hardcover at the same time. I like something that’s very well-crafted but also something that a lot of people can relate to and isn’t so expensive. And they don’t usually do books like that. They felt so strongly about it that they were willing to put more resources behind it, and willing to put more on the line versus typical photo book companies.
How did you narrow down your three years of photographs into one book? What types of looks did you try to include?
When I started pulling images it’s figuring out which images were good stand-alone images. And then we worked back and compared and contrasted and looked at similarities and differences - putting side-by-side images that were taking two years apart and seeing how they look together in a spread. We ended up with about 600 images total.
What are your inspirations as a photographer? Were there any photographers you modeled your style after?
Stylistically it’s a cross between Bruce Weber in the sense that he shoots outdoor and in direct light. Paolo Roversi, who shoots in the studio and has a style that’s a bit more painterly. From him I get a sense of quietness around the people. And there’s Steve McCurry, who shoots for National Geographic. I’m inspired by how he shoots so many different people with the same level of integrity.
What’s your favorite part about your work?
I was in fashion for 15 years, I grew up loving fashion, and I think it’s something I will always have in my life. I love always going out and having a chance to react to things that surprise me and the challenge of trying to capture it photographically the way I see it. I never know who I’m going to see when, so I’m always trying to make fast decisions. Another part is how we’ve been able to create a great community of people through the blog and people have really picked up how we handle things in a respectful manner. We’re one of those unique entities in fashion, in that it’s good, it’s human – it isn’t catty or putting people down. It’s much more positive human interaction.
Are you shooting at Fashion Week again this fall? Are there any particular shows that have a particularly well-dressed audience?
A lot of people are at the same shows. Marc Jacobs has a great space, and he can get more people and more of a variety of people. Dries Van Noten also brings in an eclectic crowd.
You’ve shot at Fashion Week for, have a monthly style page in GQ, shot a campaign for DKNY, and you just released your first book. What’s next? What other projects are you working on?
I’ve been shooting a lot more straight-up fashion editorial, which ends up being photographs that still use the angles I like, the kind of lighting I like, the kinds of locations and how I place the subjects in the location, only it’s with a model with a more dramatic feel. It looks like a photograph I would take. I just shot ten pages for Italian Elle, and ten to 12 pages for Italian Vogue Pelle (the leather/accessories version of the magazine). What you’re going to end up seeing is what I shoot on the street. The blog is really the core of what I’ll always do - I love that lifestyle. But I think you’ll start to see other kinds of shoots from me.
I know you make it into the Twin Cities on occasion. Do you have any favorite places to shop while you’re in town?
Definitely. I try to make it into Intoto and Grethen House when I’m there.
Put on your seatbelts: this Thursday marks an epic milestone for Twin Cities fashion! We'll be celebrating two amazing designers with local ties at the premiere screening of Project Runway Season 6 in downtown St. Paul! We've worked hard to whip this huge event together in a super short time span just for you, and we hope you'll join us! We're so proud of Ra'mon and Christopher -- words cannot express -- and we can't wait to celebrate with all of you!
p.s. It's not just all about Thursday -- the weekend holds plenty of festive shenanigans as well -- including the l'étoile sponsored Sartorialist release party on Sunday at Magers & Quinn!
Project Runway Premiere Party w/ special guests Ra'mon Lawrence & Christopher Straub
Landmark Center Public Screening 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. / Free
Cocktail Reception & Trunk Show at Saint Paul Hotel 10 p.m. to Midnight / Free
After-After Party at Camp Bar Midnight to 2 a.m. / Free
Our long-awaited Project Runway Premiere bash is finally here and nd we couldn't be more excited. Join local fashion enthusiasts for a stylish evening at Landmark Center celebrating the success of local designers Ra'mon-Lawrence Coleman and Christopher Straub, who recently scored covetous spots on the design reality show. Mix with fashion-minded locals in the Landmark's gorgeous atrium from 7:30 to 9 p.m., check out the latest designs from Ra'mon during a special appearance from the designers themselves, then settle in for a live screening of the season premiere. Be sure to conserve energy, because after the episode it's on to non-stop, post party action at the Saint Paul Hotel (just across the street) with cocktails and elbow-rubbing with the designers PLUS a special trunk show by Christopher Straub from 10 p.m. to midnight. An after-AFTER party at the sassy Camp Bar from midnight to bar close seals the deal!
IMPORTANT NOTE: We have moved the previously planned plaza party and outdoor screening INSIDE the Landmark Center due to the expected rain (we wouldn't want you to ruin your 'do). Same location, just inside of the building!
Sponsored by l'étoile magazine, Capital City Partnership, The Saint Paul Hotel, Landmark Center, Comcast, Prairie Vodka, Solo Vino Wines, Secrets of the City, EMI, and Digital Crush Photography.
Watch a sneak preview of Project Runway Season 6:
Metro Guac-Off
@ Blue 2922 Aldrich Ave S Minneapolis
6-8pm / $20
Vimlab Promotions and Metro Magazine present one of the best ideas of the summer, a Guac-Off, held at the fancy Blue Apartments in Uptown. Teams will dish out their best guacamole to be judged by the audience and a panel of foodies on categories such as Most Authentic, Most Unique, Best Team Name and Audience Choice. Nosh on bites from the Chef Shack, Manny's Tortas, Barbette, Common Roots, Baja Sol, and wash all that delish guac down with an ice cold Corona or Margarita while listening to the hot Latin house DJ stylings of David Drone. FYI, you must purchase tickets in advance as there won’t be any sold at the door, so don’t snooze!
Jungle Red First Annual Clothing Swap
@ Jungle Red Salon Spa Gallery 1362 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis
You know the drill: Bring the (clean) clothes you can’t bring yourself to wear one more time and leave with a whole new wardrobe, for the price of nothing! This swap is amped up -- Jungle Red Salon is offering chair massages, nail/toe polishes services and lip/brow waxing for only $10 a pop. If you bring nonperishable food, you’ll get a gift certificate to Red Jungle. Bring 3-10 pieces of clothing; whatever is left over will be donated to Avenues for Homeless Youth. Snacks provided by Little Tijiuana’s!
Talk about detail-oriented. It boggles our mind to look at Horan’s work; we can’t imagine actually doing it. Her work swings between Bosch and folk art, with a lot of focus on magic and rituals. Working both on wood and paper, her delicate touch is more creepy than dainty. If you can’t afford a huge piece, check out her store, which offers cards and mini Gocco print sets.
Go Live III
@ FiveTwoSix Salon & Gallery 526 Selby Ave Saint Paul
7-11 pm / $5 suggested donation
Art, fashion, and music fused series, Go Live, returns for another installment with even more talented local artists and a new set of standards. Snack on appetizers from the Cheeky Monkey deli and sip wines selected by oenophile, Chuck from Solo Vino, while you enjoy the featured work of large scale, abstract collage artist, John Alspach and an interactive installation and performance from artist, Page Whitmore. Also, previous Go Live participants, Booka B and MJ Heubach are back tonight to reveal their collaborative gallery project while Booka B spins a set of originally produced tracks. Don't miss a live fashion show with garments from local designer Atom Pechman of FormFromForm in avant-garde styles created by 526's team of stylists.
Wants Vs. Needs
@ Club Jager 923 Washington Ave. N. North Loop
10 pm-2am / 21+ / no cover
Sadly, your wants and your needs rarely match up, but luckily, local collective, Wants Vs. Needs, knows how to merge what you want – namely a hot dance party – with what you need – a free dance party. For the third Wants Vs. Needs shindig, free, limited edition shirts featuring The Pressure's jam-dance logo are up for grabs, plus check out sound-tacular sets from DJs Espada, Petey Wheatstraw, So Gold!, and Anton. Indulge in a few bottles from the beer tubs offered on Jager's patio, but make sure you visit the dance floor once or twice to show off your skills.
Mercurial Rage/Blue Sky Blackout/Invincible Kids
@ Uptown Bar 3018 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis
9pm / 21+ / Free (or TBA?)
Prepare yourself for an interesting sonic mashup at the Uptown Bar this evening, with an unusual but brilliant lineup that includes rockers Mercurial Rage, Invincible Kids, and brand new band Blue Sky Blackout, whose catchy sound has us all in a tizzy!
Strut n' Shock/Red Pens/International Espionage
@ Sauce 3001 Lyndale Ave S Minneapolis
9pm / 21+ / $5
Sometimes really big things come in small packages. Such is the case with local two-piece the Red Pens, who craft magical walls of abstract sound à la Sonic Youth. Accompanying them on this Saucy line-up include 80s synth-inflected new wave rockers International Espionage, and the punk heat of the Strut n’ Shock.
The Wurst and Last Honeymoon
@ 1st Avenue 701 1st Ave N Minneapolis
9pm/$3 advance, $6 at door, free with RSVP/18+
The Honeymoon is over! Get used to underwear on the floor and nagging, because this is the very last honeymoon, ever. The dance floor will be slick with the tears of Moon Goons fans taking over all of First Avenue. Dance your sorrows away with the help of My Cousin Roy, Nick Chacona, Sovietpanda, Jimmy 2 Times, DJ Bach, Midnight Energy, Gary Slam and more.
We don't want to toot our own horn or anything, but here at l'étoile 'retro' and 'vintage' have always been in style; so the hullabaloo surrounding everything retro definitely makes us sit back and smile in approval. So, now that we're all nice and buttered up, it's time to share a link to one of our favorite vintage-minded online fashion spots, ModCloth. Relatively self-explanatory, this site specializes in charming retro-inspired women's apparel – from dresses to intimates, even apartment décor – at prices that won't break the bank. ModCloth also has a spread devoted to unique, true one-of-a-kind vintage pieces/finds, to assist you in completing your look authentically as possible. Be immersed in vintage-influenced modern pop culture with the selection, ModLife, which features style tips, street-spotted hot new looks, mod-fashion films, and – following Mad Men mania – a behind-the-scenes at a ModCloth's new Mad Men-inspired lookbook.
Red Stag Block party + Tendercakes After party
@ Red Stag 509 1st Ave NE Minneapolis
4pm-10:30pm / free
After party 10:30-2am / free
Add the Red Stag to your list of awesome block party hosts. Today’s zero-waste event serves up Black Blondie, Roma di Luna, Romantica, Heiruspecs, Chooglin, and Mark Mallman. MCs Foxy Tann and Mary Lucia keep the party going, while the North Star Roller Girls mingle and stir up the crowds. A hula hoop contest keeps hips shaking, and organic food and drinks are on hand. The after party is inside the Stag features Millions Billions, Tendercakes, Solid Gold (DJ Set), DJ Fundo, and Last Word on the mic. Sweet!
Common Room: Music Night w/ Andy DuCett
@ Soap Factory 518 2nd St. SE. Minneapolis
7-10 pm / free
Join curators Andy Sturdevant and Sergio Vucci for another living-room-cozy exploration into community and interaction. Tonight's Common Room series welcomes installation and visual artist, Andy DuCett, for an intimate journey through his extensive personal LP collection as he spins tracks and discusses the correlation between his evolving musical taste and his ever-changing art-making style. Dance along while enjoying his favorites and request a few of your own!
Note: Common Room's entrance is located on the side of the Soap Factory building at 110 5th Ave. SE, not the regular 2nd St. entrance.
Hot Chicks With Douchebags
@ Clubhouse Jager 923 Washington Ave N Minneapolis
10pm-2am / free / 21+
Revel in your inner douchebaggery or hotness tonight at Jager, where douchebags are usually a rare bird. D-bags and hotties can look forward to a rare appearance by DJ Apollo/Ralph Laurenn (our FAVE ghetto house master from back in the raver days!) and Walker & Slater spinning disco, house and techno, among other bootie-shaking sounds. When the hotness gets to be too much, enjoy the huge patio! If you’re not sure what to wear, click HERE for some inspiration:
MCVL/Slapping Purses
@ 501 Club 501 Washington Ave Minneapolis
10pm / 21+ / Free
Old-school rap revivalists, the ever-energetic MC/VL will perform their last show in a very long time tonight at the always-free 501 Club. Expect shirts to come off, sweat to fly, and beer to spray. One man noise dance project Slapping Purses open, so get ready to shake - there’s usually nary a still body in the house during a Slapping Purses set.
Sounds Kinda Kickin'
@ Secret Location
10pm / $13
Our homies over at UncencoredUS present to you an epic all-night rager featuring electronic powerhouses Tinhead and Heckadecimal pounding out ear-drum bleeding beats and encouraging intense dancing into the wee hours of the morning. Visit the link (day of) below for location info and directions.
Come end of year, every critic, blogger, and music junkie across the US will be drooling over one of the most unique and underrated bands around, Brooklyn's art rock ensemble the Dirty Projectors. Preceded by an album made up entirely of Black Flag covers (genius) their most recent release “Bitte Orca” is the bands best album by a mile, and one that will bring them into the forefront of modern independent music with its intricate arrangements, brilliant soundscapes, and truly remarkable range in genre and sound.
Street fashion blog, The Sartorialist, has long been a favorite. After all, unique styles, sartorial tastes and creative self-expression is kind of our forte. Which is why, when we heard blog creator and photographer, Scott Schuman, was publishing a book of his 'best of', we knew we needed in on the action. Tonight, pick up your copy of the book that inspires every fashionista and makes the perfect coffee table conversation starter as you mingle with local fashion peeps and munch on Japanese “street food” from Uptown's Moto-I. Feel sartorialistic as Digital Crush snaps a chic photo of you in front of M+Q's fitting wall of art books. Not feeling flashy enough? Ask the fancy dames of Blacklist Vintage to help -- they'll be on-hand to lend you some stylish accessories (which then you can buy, if you're so inclined!)
Sponsored by Magers and Quinn, l'etoile Magazine, Secrets of the City, Digital Crush Photography and Blacklist Vintage.
Gastro Non Grata
@ Triple Rock Social Club 629 Cedar Avenue S. West Bank Minneapolis
6 p.m. / 21+ / $3
Gastro Non Grata is fancy talk for FREE FOOD, ya'll. This recurring foodie/rocker event out-does itself this time around with a delectable selection of treats to tempt your palate. Mike DeCamp from La Belle Vie feeds you (not by hand, sorry) a delicious Summer Vegetable Tart, while Erik Anderson from Sea Change provides preserved Albacore Tuna, Salmon Puffs and more. Frozen sweets from Raul and Victor of La Chiquita will cool you down, while Northern Brewer whets your whistle with a new batch of Rye Kolsch beer. Somehow strangely not convinced yet? Throw in tunes courtesy of The Dynamiters, Double Bird, Rope Trick, Tony Magee, and the Twin Cities Ukelele Orchestra and you've got yourself a pretty awesome Sunday evenin'.
JagerCon: Sci-Fi Tuesdays
@ Clubhouse Jager 923 Washington Avenue N. Minneapolis
Every Tuesday 10 p.m. / 21+ / Free
Join hosts Kate Iverson (l'étoile magazine, Secrets of the City) and Beth Hammarlund (l'étoile magazine, A Tiny Machine) every Tuesday Night for JagerCon! JagerCon is a weekly sci-fi party featuring screenings of classic nerdy movies and television shows -- topped off with 2-4-1 cocktails all night served by Star Captain Paul!
Mingle with like-minded sci-fi geeks, discuss D&D strategies, and use that Captain Picard impression you've been perfecting to pick up chicks at the bar. Snort-laugh the night away while bragging about your MMORPG addiction and enjoy a cozy, nerd-friendly environment.
Upcoming Events:
Aug 25: Young Frankenstein Sept 1: THX 1138 Sept 8: The Man Who Fell To Earth Sept 15: Barbarella
Beth Hammarlund gets her rant on about some nerdy stuff.
They did What?
I guess this is old news, but since it’s news to me, I still find it relevant and rant-worthy. The ending of the film of adaptation of The Time Traveler’s Wife was changed due to test audience feedback. Apparently the focus groups who first screened the film thought the original ending was kind of a downer, so in true Hollywood fashion, the studio replaced it with something a little more happy endingy.
Jahna Peloquin fills us in on every detail of Glamorama!
In review: Glamorama 2009 vs. The Runway
This year marked the third year I’ve attended Macy’s Glamorama, and it's always cause for excitement. It’s the only event in the Midwest to show the latest runway collections by renowned designers like Marc Jacobs, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Sonia Rykiel and, for the first time, PHILOSOPHY di Alberta Ferretti. Of the eight designer lines, those four were the highlights of the night. I decided to compare and contrast the Glamorama shots from these abbreviated collections with the original runway images to see what's different, what's the same and how well Minnesota stacks up to the original runway show.
Read the rest of the article by clicking below
Editor in Chief: Kate Iverson Contributing Writers: Lacey Prpic Hedtke, Robyn Lewis, Juleana Enright, Kate Iverson, Beth Hammarlund, Jahna Peloquin
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l'etoile magazine
628 4th Street NE
2nd Floor
Minneapolis Mn 55413