Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Art-A-Whirl Photo Shoot

A few months ago we threw together an impromptu Art-A-Whirl inspired photo shoot at the Northeast art studio of our talented friends Drew, Isaac, and Eric. We set the shoot time for Midnight on a Friday night and invited some of our favorite art scene staples and creative lovelies to show up, share a cocktail, and vamp for the cam. The concept is meant to convey the colorful, exuberant, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants atmosphere that Art-A-Whirl creates.

Watch for our Art-A-Whirl 2009 guide, out later today, that will feature special events, gallery openings, parties and more -- basically, everything ART-A-WHIRL.

Like the art you see in these photos? You can see it, buy it, and rub elbows with the artists this weekend!

Art by Drew Peterson, Eric Inkala, and Isaac Arvold will be on display at 503 1st Avenue NE, 2nd Floor (above Fox Tax Gallery)

Screen Printed Clothing by Anthem Heart, studio open and live screenprinting demos at 1224 Quincy Street NE (The Q.arma Building).

Photo Credits:
Photography: Stephen Stephens for l'etoile
Art Direction: Kate Iverson
Production Assistant: Angie Hanson
Make Up: Beth Hammarlund
Hair: Jennifer Bighly
Art: Isaac Arvold, Eric Inkala, Drew Peterson
Clothing: Anthem Heart
Models: Fashion writer Jahna Peloquin, visual artist Scott Seekins, jewelry designer/Art Patron/Fox 9 News Anchor Robyne Robinson, visual artist Drew Peterson, visual artist Isaac Arvold, l'etoile contributor Natalya Kolpashchikova, photographer/l'etoile writer/graphic designer Robyn Lewis, opera singer Alina Lindquist, visual artist Nicholas Hennig, dancer Steven Moses.

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